Project Team Grand-large


Project Team Grand-large


Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional, National and International Actions

Activities starting in 2009

  • Franck Cappello, Co-Director of the INRIA - Illinois Joint Laboratory on PetaScale Computing, since 2009

Other activities

  • CALIFHA project (DIM Digiteo 2011): CALculations of Incompressible Fluid flows on Heterogeneous Architectures. Funding for a PhD student. Collaboration with LIMSI/CNRS. Participants: Marc Baboulin (Principal Investigator), Joel Falcou, Yann Fraigneau (LIMSI), Laura Grigori, Olivier Le Maître (LIMSI), Laurent Martin Witkowski (LIMSI).

  • ANR SPADES Coordinated by LIP-ENS Lyon. (Sylvain Peyronnet, Franck Cappello, Ala Rezmerita)

  • Défi ANR SECSI Participant to this challenge. From September 2008 to August 2010. Managed by the SAIC. (Thomas Hérault, Sylvain Peyronnet, Sébastien Tixeuil)

  • ANR Cosinus project MIDAS - MIcrowave Data Analysis for petaScale computers December 2009 - December 2012 (http://www.apc.univ-paris7.fr/APC_CS/Recherche/Adamis/MIDAS09/index.html ). Collaboration with APC, University Paris 7 and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. This is an interdisciplinary project devised to bring together cosmologists, computational physicists, computer scientists and applied mathematiciancs to face the challenge of the tremendous volume of data as anticipated from current and forthcoming Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments. (Laura Grigori, Coordinator for INRIA Saclay, F. Cappello, J. Falcou, T. Hérault, S. Peyronnet)

  • ANR Cosinus project PETALh - PETascale ALgorithms for preconditioning for scientific applications January 2011- December 2012. Collaboration with Laboratoire Lions - Universite 6, IFP, INRIA Bordeaux and CEA, UC Berkeley and Argonne. The goal is to investigate preconditioning techniques on multicore architectures and apply them on real world applications from IFP, CEA and Argonne. (Laura Grigori, Principal Investigator)

  • Digiteo DIM-08 project X-Scale-NL – Scheduling and numerical libraries enabling scientific applications on petascale machines 2008-2011. Funding for a Phd student and travel (114000 euros). Participants: Laura Grigori (Principal Investigator), F. Cappello (INRIA), T. Hérault, S. Peyronnet (LRI) and two foreign collaborators: J. Demmel from UC Berkeley and J. Darbon from UC Los Angeles.

  • INRIA Associated Team "F-J Grid" with University of Tsukuba, head: Franck Cappello

  • INRIA funding, MPI-V, collaboration with UTK, LALN and ANL, head: Franck Cappello

  • ANR CIS Project FF2A3, 3 years (2007 - 2010), PI F. Hecht, subproject head L. Grigori

  • HipCal, ANR CIS, 3 years (2006-2009), , Franck Cappello